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Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis, a prevalent age-related condition affecting the neck, can bring discomfort and reduced mobility. In this detailed exploration, we unravel the intricacies of Cervical Spondylosis, examining its causes, symptoms, and, most importantly, how Physiotherapy, especially at Curis 360 Physiotherapy Clinic in Bangalore, emerges as a beacon of relief.

What is Cervical Spondylosis:

Cervical Spondylosis refers to the degeneration of the cervical spine, particularly the discs and joints in the neck. This degeneration is often a natural part of aging, involving wear and tear of the cartilage and bones in the cervical region.

Common Causes and Symptoms:


  • Aging and wear-and-tear.

  • Repetitive stress on the neck.

  • Poor posture.

  • Genetic predisposition.


  • Chronic neck pain.

  • Stiffness and reduced range of motion.

  • Headaches, often radiating from the neck.

  • Tingling or numbness in the arms.

  • Weakness in the hands and arms.

  • Difficulty in maintaining balance.

Physiotherapy: A Key Player in Treatment:

Physiotherapy stands at the forefront of managing Cervical Spondylosis, offering a multifaceted approach to alleviate symptoms, improve mobility, and enhance overall well-being.

1. Pain Management:

  • Physiotherapists employ various techniques for pain relief, including heat or cold therapy, ultrasound, and TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation).

  • Manual therapy, such as neck mobilization and soft tissue massage, helps reduce muscle tension and alleviate pain.

2. Exercise Therapy:

  • Tailored exercise programs form a crucial part of Physiotherapy for Cervical Spondylosis. Specific neck exercises strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and promote better posture.

  • Aerobic exercises enhance overall fitness, contributing to weight management and reducing strain on the cervical spine.

3. Posture Correction:

  • Physiotherapists provide guidance on maintaining proper neck and spine posture during daily activities, preventing additional stress on the cervical region.

  • Ergonomic recommendations for workstations and daily activities are offered to minimize strain on the neck.

4. Education and Lifestyle Modification:

  • Physiotherapy involves educating individuals about their condition, helping them understand the importance of lifestyle modifications.

  • Advice on adopting neck-friendly habits, including screen ergonomics and proper sleeping positions, is integral to long-term management.

5. Individualized Treatment Plans:

  • Each individual with Cervical Spondylosis has unique needs. Physiotherapists at Curis 360 design personalized treatment plans, considering the severity of symptoms, overall health, and specific requirements of the individual.

Curis 360 Physiotherapy Clinic: Your Trusted Partner in Cervical Spondylosis Management:

Curis 360 Physiotherapy Clinic in Bangalore stands as a beacon of hope for those grappling with Cervical Spondylosis. Our expert physiotherapists, equipped with advanced knowledge and state-of-the-art facilities, offer a comprehensive and patient-centered approach to managing this condition. With a focus on personalized care, we strive to not only alleviate symptoms but empower individuals with the tools to lead a pain-free and active life.


Cervical Spondylosis may present challenges, but with the right approach, individuals can regain control over their lives. Physiotherapy at Curis 360 Physiotherapy Clinic emerges as a transformative ally in this journey, offering not just relief from symptoms but a comprehensive and empowering strategy for long-term management. Take the first step towards a pain-free and active life by embracing the personalized care and expertise provided by our renowned physiotherapists at Curis 360.

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